~ About InLiven ~

~Empowering Wellness Inside and Out ~

It’s a busy, fast-paced and often stressful society in which we live. With so much demanding our attention, our own wellness needs often get deprioritised or all but forgotten about. We aim to put the spotlight back on individual wellness and in turn the way in which we can care for our collective wellness. Being values-based and purpose-driven, InLiven keeps people at the centre and focusses on the way we can support their everyday lives. 
Our approach is holistic by nature, giving attention to all realms of wellbeing equally to achieve balance and the ability to not just survive and get by, but to thrive in all areas that are important to us. 
We believe that any wellness model starts with the individual (YOU), and the direct environments you spend your time in (YOUR HOMEYOUR WORKPLACEYOUR COMMUNITY). 

The invliven logo in the centre looking like a 4-piece square puzzle, each piece separating away into a corner showing different offerings on our website, inliven you, inliven your home, inliven your workplace and inliven your community.

~ Meet the people who care about YOUR wellness ~

profile photo - sarah

Kia ora, I'm Sarah

Growing up I spent alot of my childhood outdoors in the sun and on camping adventures with my family. As a sensitive, quiet girl early on, this was a great benefit to my wellbeing and something that has paved a path for the passions that followed in my life and maintaining a strong love and connection of people and nature. My greatest role models in life have forged the foundations for the beliefs and values of freedom, authenticity, kindness, service and loving connections that I carry through life and hold dear.

For me, the times that have challenged me have been the greatest teachers of all, and by leaning into these moments with openness and acceptance I realised that there is no light without darkness - bullying at school, friends coming and going, my grandparents passing away, my own personal health concerns, stresses and transitions in work, insecurities around money, intimate relationships - they all shed light on areas of myself that needed attention. My body was giving me a signpost and map back towards wellness and away from dis-ease. 

I believe our pathway in life leads us where we most need to be. For me not getting into Drama School and pivoting to Sport & Recreation gave me surplus opportunities to get into the environments I loved as a child and have a steady income. One of the groups we taught in the Outdoors, led me back to learning and I was welcomed into the Deaf world as an interpreter of NZ Sign Language where I found a family and passion that lasts a lifetime. Amongst over 12 years of Outdoor guiding of youth in personal & social development, I met some great people along the way who encouraged me to join the NZ Army where I gained experiences that would push me to what I thought was my absolute limits, to then realise that human beings are capable of so much more than their minds perceive. I travelled overseas and found my love for service as an Army Medic, supporting others towards regaining their wellness. 

My own journey to wellness was realised when I exhausted myself by burning out. A big wake up call for me, I always valued others more than myself. I made a decision to change into a role that was office-based, as a Life Coach for athletes and through my time here and professional development towards my Life Coaching and Wellbeing Coach certification I discovered I had not been backing myself or supporting my own wellness. This was and had not a sustainable way of operating and certainly when it came to extending my support to others was by no means role modelling what I was teaching. Always striving and pushing myself so far and never thinking of the toll it was taking, I stepped back away from the 9-5 office job to evaluate my life and where I wanted it to head. 

This took me back into the Outdoors working with young children based on a free play philosophy - being around young, innocent energy returned me back to my own childhood and the way in which I was open and allowing of any and all experiences as teachers and growth. I was re-InLivened and took another step with my partner Dana into a world of possibilities where we embrace wellness inside and out - that starts with ourselves first, and then extends to those around us. 

I am here before you now, many times remade, and truly InLivened by the life I have led of service and all the people and places that have got me to where my feet stand now. I am deeply passionate about supporting others to InLiven themselves, others and their communities.

"It is not the mountains we conquer, but ourselves"
~ Sir Edmund Hillary
Massage / Reiki / Elohim / Wellness Coach / Music Teaching / Personal Training / Adventure guide  and so much more...

Profile photo - dana

Kia ora, I'm Dana

My parents told me I could do anything I want in life. After years of questioning, trialing and searching I came to realise that life isn’t all about what I do, it’s about what I love. What inspires me. And so here I am, doing what I love and inspiring others to do the same.

Growing up, I was( still am) a happy go lucky kid that absolutely loved to play, particularly loved being in and out of the water and spent most of her hours at the beach or outside building tree huts and exploring the beautiful environment.  At age 4 I was diagnosed with Type one diabetes As a young child all I could remember was being sick in hospital, having people inject me and no longer being allowed honey. Not being allowed honey was the greatest devastation. Little did I realise at the time how impactful this would be in my life. 

Fortunately I had parents and support that gave me the believe I could do anything despite this diagnosis and for the most part I did. I was out to prove to the world that I was normal, that it wouldn't stop me. I took this stubborn determination into many high achieving areas particularly in high performance sports. I lived a life that placed everything before diabetes. I myself was not motivated and it wasn't until my early 20's did I begin to really tune into the significant impact of diabetes and how that impacted me in everyday.

I began longing for freedom and for a cure and for ways in which I could support myself. Fortunately thanks to my mums commitment to natural medicine and alternative treatments - I had the upper hand. This was an incredible switch that moment when I decided to care . Anyone can try and  do it for you but the true healing only occurs when you, yourself decide.. So here I was in my early 20's caring for the first time.

Only issue was with a life of sport - I was a very high achiever and I took this similar mindset and determination forward . On one hand this helped me to understand the body is capable of - but this approach was never going to work. It simply was throwing stress at my body. After months of trying I gave up. It was hard. And I was fighting a battle of non-acceptance over who I was and the gifts I had. So I ran away from that endevour and resumed a job in the high performance sport arena as an event coordinator for New Zealand Water Polo. A world that was comfortable and familiar to me. 

As you can imagine it wasn't long before the universe had other ideas. I was stressed, not caring for myself and soon laying in a hospital bed. I spent the first day attempting to do the job I HAD to finish as people relied on me and then the reflection moment - who was looking out for me? I certainly wasn't. I booked myself into a yoga retreat, quit my job and dedicated the next decade to my own personal journey of caring.

Curious by nature, I have since discovered many modalities, had several empowering experiences and now feel inspired to share as I continue to grow and discover new horizons personally.

In 2018 I felt a familiar frustration to the busy life that was at times overwhelming. I packed a bag and set off up to Cape Reinga and spent a month walking back to Auckland. After that there was a conviction to lead a life that I loved. The Living Project began and with the inclusion of Sarah soon formed InLiven which , has become an avenue to share our learnings, experiences and ultimately a way to support and encourage others along their wellness journey.

"Curiosity is one of the greatest secrets of happiness"
~ Bryan McGill
 Yoga  / Wellness Coach / Personal Trainer / SUP Instruction / Adventure guide / Public Speaker and so much more...

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Wellness starts with 'WE'

A fern plant
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