Take time to relax, restore and HEAL

Please be patient while we create a new healing space!
Connect with Sarah directly for healing options from your own space.


Channelling positive, healing energy of the
purest form to reset, re-balance
and re-energize the body and mind.

1 hr – $85


~ Relax & restore ~
Let your body's stress and soreness melt away.
Choose either a full-body or focus on a couple of key areas.
Your treatment will include a combination of massage, heat work and pressure point release to suit your needs.

1hr - $85
1.5hr - $110


A combination of different healing modalities
designed to support your mental, physical,
emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

1hr – $85

Healing with Sarah

After being diagnosed with a mild kidney disease back in 2009, Sarah was determined to prove that this auto-immune condition would not rule her life and started her journey to healing herself. 
This started a learning and discovery pathway supported by other healers with different modalities where, as a recipient of treatments or as a direct experience in training Sarah gained a variety of skills that offer a very unique experience of holistic healing.
Now completely symptom-free and no signs of her kidney disease, she is passionate to share her healing with others to support their wellbeing.

Sarah has Elohim to Master Level, Reiki Level 1, a Certificate in Healers Studies, experiences with intuitive massage methods and is a certified Wellbeing Coach,

As an intuitive, sensitive empath, Sarah brings these strengths coupled with all the experiences, training and knowledge gained to guide her in supporting your journey in wellness

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Wellness starts with 'WE'

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